
Sheep & Rare Breeds
The Sheep Section at Longridge and Goosnargh Show have classes for individual breeds for Texels, Suffolks and Shetlands. We have classes for Any European Breeds for example, Beltex and Charolas.
There are also classes for Rare and Native Breeds in Primitive and Non-Primitive sections.
sheep, and in particular rare breeds of sheep, play a vital role in the fabric of our agriculture. They contribute to our food security, rural heritage, and environmental sustainability.
By preserving and promoting these unique breeds, we are not only ensuring the future of our farms but also honouring our past and embracing a more sustainable and diverse future for agriculture. So, let’s celebrate the significance of sheep and rare breeds in our farming world and work together to safeguard their place in our agricultural tapestry.
Any queries please contact tact : Claire Eccles by e-mail
- Mrs Claire Eccles
- Mrs Claire Eccles
Take part in the show
Sheep Entries
- Entry Fee: £1
- Prize - First Place: £15
- Prize - Second Place: £10.00
- Prize - Third Place: £5.00
- A Challenge Cup, given by Mrs. J. Jackson for Best Exhibit in the Suffolk Section.
- A Challenge Shield, given by The Eccles Family for the Best Group of Three in the Suffolk
Section. - A Challenge Trophy, given by Mrs. A. J Thompson for Best Exhibit in the Texel Section.
- A Challenge Trophy, given in memory of John Skelton by his family for Best Exhibit.
- The Coar Trophy, for the Champion in the Beltex Section.
- A Challenge Trophy, given by Lancashire Support Group of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust for the Champion Rare Breed.
- A Challenge Trophy, given by Lancashire Support Group of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust for the Reserve Champion Rare Breed.
- The Benbecula Plate, for the Best Hebridean.
Class 1 Ram shearling and over
Class 2 Ram lamb ram born in current year
Class 3 Ewe shearling and over
Class 4 Ewe lamb born in current year
Class 5 Gimmer lamb
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPS Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class SGO3
Group of three (one male, two females) to win the Eccles Shied.
Texel & Beltex

Class 6 Texel Ram lamb born in current year
Class 7 Texel Ewe shearling and over
Class 8 Texel Ewe lamb born in current year
Class 9 Beltex Ram shearling and over
Class 10 Beltex Ram lamb born in current year
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes:
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPT Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class TGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Beltex & Blue Texel
Class 11 Beltex Ewe shearling and over
Class 12 Beltex Ewe lamb born in current year
Class 13 Blue Texel Ram shearling and over
Class 14 Blue Texel Ram lamb born in current year
Class 15 Blue Texel Ewe shearling and over
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPB Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class BGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)

Blue Texel & Zwartbles
Class 16 Blue Texel Ewe lamb born in current year
Class 17 Zwartbles Ram shearling and over
Class 18 Zwartbles Ram lamb born in current year
Class 19 Zwartbles Gimmer lamb
Class 20 Zwartbles Ewe lamb born in current year
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPZ Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class ZGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Valais Blacknose
Class 21 Valais Blacknose Ram shearling and over
Class 22 Valais Blacknose Ram lamb born in current year
Class 23 Valais Blacknose Ewe shearling and over
Class 24 Valais Blacknose Ewe lamb born in current year
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPVB Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class VBGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Primitive and non-primitive rare and native breeds
Boreray, Castlemilk Moorit, Hebridean, Manx Loaghtan, North Ronaldsay, Soay, Shetland.
Class 25 Ram shearling and over
Class 26 Ram lamb born in current year
Class 27 Ewe shearling and over
Class 28 Ewe lamb born in current year
Winner of each class (17 to 20) to compete for Primitive Champion. Primitive Champion and Reserve to compete for Rare and Traditional Breed Champion.
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPP Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class PGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Rare & traditional Longwool
Border Leicester, Blue Faced Leicester, Cotswold, Devon and Cornwall Longwool, Greyface Dartmoor, Galway, Leicester Longwool, Lincoln Longwool, Teeswater,
Wensleydale, Whiteface Dartmoor.
Class 29 Ram shearling and over
Class 30 Ram lamb born in current year
Class 31 Ewe shearling and over
Class 32 Ewe lamb born in current year
Winner of each class (21 to 24) to compete for Longwool Champion. Longwool Champion and Reserve to compete for Rare and Traditional Breed Champion.
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPL Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class LGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Rare & traditional Shortwool
Devon Closewool, Dorset Down, Dorset Horn, Oxford Down, Ryeland, Shropshire, Southdown.
Class 33 Ram shearling and over
Class 34 Ram lamb born in current year
Class 35 Ewe shearling and over
Class 36 Ewe lamb born in current year.
Winner of each class (25 to 28 to compete for Shortwool Champion. Shortwool Champion and Reserve to compete for Rare and Traditional Breed Champion.
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPS Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class SGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Rare & traditional Health/Hillbred
Balwen,Black Welsh Mountain, Welsh Mountain Pedigree, Derbyshire Gritstone, Exmoor Horn, Herdwick, Hill Radnor, Kerry Hill, Llanwenog, Lonk, Portland, Norfolk Horn, Rough Fell, Whitefaced Woodland, Wiltshire Horn.
Class 37 Ram shearling and over
Class 38 Ram lamb born in current year
Class 39 Ewe shearling and over
Class 40 Ewe lamb born in current year
Winner of each class (29 to 32) to compete for Heath/Hillbred Champion. Heath/Hillbred Champion and Reserve to compete for Rare and Traditional Breed
There is no fee to enter the following 2 classes.
Open to animals previously entered in this section.
Class BPH Best Pair one ram and one female.
Class HGO3 Group of three (one male, two females)
Class 36 Interbreed Group of 3
Class 36 Interbreed Group of 3
There will also be an award for Champion and Reserve Champion in show.
Young Handlers
We also hold Young Handler Classes for children aged between 3 to 7, 7-11 and 11 to 16 to give up and upcoming shepherds a chance to show their sheep skills.
The Junior Shepherd will be judged by the presentation of the sheep and handler, and the handler’s knowledge of the sheep. White coats to be worn by competitors. Class 100 = 3 – 7 year old (KS1) , Class 200 = 7 – 11 year old (KS2) & Class 300 = 11 – 16 year old. (KS 3+4).
Entry is free. Prizes are 1st =£10, 2nd = £6, 3rd = £4.
Entry Information
Enter the Sheep & Rare Breeds classes
Requirements – Sheep & Rare Breeds
- Final Entry Date: 1st July 2024, strictly no entries will be accepted after this date.
- All trophies to be held by the winner for 12 months, and then returned clean to the show.
- A sheep is only allowed to be entered in one class, unless if it is entered for a Young Handler Class.
- All sheep must be clipped.
- No sheep are allowed to leave the show until 4pm.
- All sheep to be tagged to DEFRA regulations.
PLEASE NOTE – We have received notice that you will need to bring a copy of your MV/CAE Declarations to hand in before unloading.
Please help by bringing a completed licence for your arrival and return home from the show.

Judging And Categories
All Livestock Classes may be Amalgamated or Divided depending on entry numbers at the discretion of the stewards. CPH number for the show ground is 210078000.

Welcome to the Goosnargh & Longridge Agricultural Show – Sheep & Rare Breeds

The Society, through its council and agents will exercise all reasonable care for the safety of the exhibits, but the Society does not hold itself responsible for any loss or damage which may be sustained by the exhibitor or any damage sustained by any third part, whether arising from accident or through any act of omission of the Society, its council, officers, agents or servants or other persons, or from any other cause. It is a condition of entry that each exhibitor will hold the Society and the council blameless, and will indemnify them against any proceedings compensation, costs, damages arising out of or in connection with any such claim, loss, accident or damage, and entries are accepted on this understanding only.
Therefore all exhibitors must carry adequate third party liability insurance.