
Calling All Gardeners!
Welcome to the Horticultural Section of our agricultural show! We’re thrilled to extend a hearty invitation to all the passionate gardeners, young and old, to join us in celebrating the wonders of nature and horticulture. This vibrant corner of the show is a testament to the love of all things green and growing, where you’ll find inspiration, knowledge, and a warm community of fellow enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned horticulturalist or just discovering the joys of gardening, our show promises a blooming good time for everyone. So, come and explore the beauty and creativity that flourishes in our gardens, and be a part of this green-thumb gathering that’s bound to leave you in awe. Your garden adventure begins right here!

Please scan for full schedule or click below.
- All
- Gallery Item
- Elizabeth Harrison
- 07976 631443
show.org - ENTRIES
- Electronic Entries to Elizabeth.Harrison@lscft.nhs.uk
- Paper entries to 23 Crompton Close Garstang, PR3 1ZR or 2 Cherry Grove, Longridge, PR3 3EY.

Please scan for full schedule
- Elizabeth Harrison
- 07976 631443
@lscft.nhs.uk - ENTRIES
Electronic Entries to Elizabeth.Harrison
@lscft.nhs.uk - Paper entries to 23 Crompton Close Garstang, PR3 1ZR or 2 Cherry Grove, Longridge, PR3 3EY.
Classes and Awards
Prizes, Classes & Entry
Entry Details
Electronic entries can be emailed to: horticulture@longridgeshow.org
If you can’t email your entry don’t worry it can be posted to:
2 Cherry Grove, Longridge, PR3 3EY or 23 Crompton Close Garstang, PR3 1ZR
You can also bring your entry on Friday 4th July along to the horticulture section on the showfield from 10am until 7pm.
Horticulture entry enquires please telephone, 07976 631443
Closing date for entries – Friday 5th July 2025
Show email: horticulture@longridgeshow.org or visit: www.glashow.org.uk

Adults enter for the price of an early bird ticket which this year is £8. This entitles you to come to the show and enter as many classes in the Horticulture section as you wish. If you can’t make the show but still want to enter, this will be charged at 50p per individual class entry.
The junior section is again FREE to enter this year, you will need a show ticket for juniors this includes an activity wristband if you want to come to the show. If you are between the ages of 2 -16 years (inclusive), this section is for you. We have some new and exciting class’s to enter this year. You could create a pot of homemade compost or design a picture made from edible fruit and vegetables. Don’t forget the individual who has the most points in the junior section will be presented with a special prize and trophy.
Thank-you exhibitors!
Thankyou Exhibitors, Volunteers and Sponsors
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who enters the horticulture section of the show without your continued support and enormous contribution from both old and new entrant’s .The section would not be able to put on such a fantastic array of displays and exhibits. An enormous thankyou to the volunteers who give their time each year, it would not be possible without you, an ENORMOUS thankyou to you all.”
Anyone interested in volunteering at this year’s show can contact me via email or telephone, we would love to have you on-board
Classes 1-16
Section A - Flowers
Class 1 – A single stemmed red rose in a vase
Class 2 – A single stemmed rose any other colour displayed in a vase
Class 3 – A single stemmed rose of any other colour
Class 4 – A single stem of cluster flower roses , any colour
Class 5 – A mixed vase of flowering stems
Class 6 – Vase of mixed non flowering stems
Class 7 – Vase of annual flowering stems
Class 8 – Three stems of Single variety Flower displayed in a vase
Class 9 – 4 hosta leaves displayed in a vase of choice
Class 10 – 3 Sweet Peas – one variety. Exhibitor may display exhibit in vessel of own choice
Class 12 – Geranium grown in a pot any size pot and variety
Class 13 – Fuchsia grown in a pot any variety
Class 14 – Any other flowering plant at the time of display
Class 15 – Any non- flowering plant at the time of display (for foliage effect)
Class 16 – A collection of 3 different potted plants displayed together for effect (can be a mix of flowering and non – flower plants )
Class 17 – A single Cactus or succulent. Exhibitor may display exhibit in any pot or container
Trophies & Special Prizes
Best Exhibit in classes 6-11 will be awarded a special prize |
Best Exhibit in classes 12- 17 will be awarded a trophy and a special prize |
Best exhibit in class 18 – 21 The Guild Cup and special prize. |
Best Exhibit class 22-23 Community Trophy and Special prize. |
Best exhibit class 24-26 will be awarded a trophy and a special prize |
Best exhibit class 27-43 will be awarded a trophy and a special prize plus again for person with most points in these classes totalled. |
Best Exhibit in Class 44 wins the Peter Knowles Trophy and £20. |
Most points class 45 – 50 trophy and special prize for highest points. |
Special Group award , Peter Knowles Trophy. |
Classes 17-31
Section B - Floral Art
Class 18 – “A floral Miniature”, let your imagination run wild and create a floral miniature in
a tea cup and saucer
Class 19 – “A floral display” using an upcycled shoe or boot destined for the bin costing no more than £5
Class 20 – A commemorative button hole , create a button hole to mark the 80th year of
Armistice Day for World War 2
Class 21 – “A floral Book Worm”, Get creative and create a floral display incorporating a book
and 6 stems of flowers and as much non flowering greenery as you like
Classes 32-46
Class 22 – Exhibit Title: “A Garden Party Celebration”. Have lots of fun creating a miniature garden party celebrating international friendship day. Celebrated in the month of July, it is a day to promote friendship and community, and how everyone is appreciated and observed in different cultures.
Class 23 – Exhibit Title: “A scarecrow”, have fun and build a scarecrow of any theme or design, using any recycled items you must be able to exhibit your scarecrow stood
or seated at a chair, the chair and pole will be provided for you on the day of
Classes 24-26
Class 24 – hanging basket display of flowering and non-flowering plants , any size pot, container or basket is permitted.
Class 25 – Display a planter of flowering and non-flowering grown plants , any size planter made from any material is permitted.
Class 26 – Pot or container grown display of herbs, fruits and vegetables, all plants must be clearly labelled.

Classes 27-43
Section E - Fruit & Vegetables
Class 26 – 4 broad bean pods
Class 27 – 4 pods of peas
Class 28 – 4 pods of French or Runner bean type
Class 29 – 4 potatoes white
Class 30 – 4 potatoes other than white
Class 31 – 2 courgettes any variety
Class 32 – A cabbage any variety
Class 33 – 1 truss of green tomatoes
Class 34 – 1 cucumber
Class 35 – 1 onion
Class 36 – 3 shallots
Class 37 – A selection of 3 different vegetables – any variety or type
Class 38 – Any other Vegetable not listed above
Class 39 – A tied bunch of Herbs , minimum of 3 different varieties , displayed in a vase or suitable container
Class 40 – A plate of gooseberries
Class 41 – A plate of strawberries
Class 42 – Six strings of red , black or white currants
Class 43 – plate of 8 strawberries
Class 44 – Any other plate of fruit not listed above
Class 45 – Four sticks of rhubarb

Classes 47 - 54
Class 47 – A display of mixed non-flowering stems from the garden presented in a recycled container.
Class 48 – A single vegetable or fruit grown and harvested by the exhibitor and presented on a plate
Class 49 – A grass head person , made using a pair of tights/stockings, grass seed ,
sawdust or compost and a recycled decorated tin can
Class 50 – A necklace made using vegetables, fruit ,plant and flower materials gathered
from the garden
Class 51 – Any other plant or plants grown from seed by the named exhibitor in any size container
Class 52 – A single sunflower grown in any size decorated pot
Class 53 – A hand tied flower Posey displayed in recycled decorated container. Any type container, accessories and decorations can be used for display.
Class 54 – A display of 6 floating flower heads picked from the garden and displayed in a bowl of water. Any size bowl permitted, accessories and decorations can be used.
Useful Information
Welcome to the Goosnargh & Longridge Agricultural Show – Helpful Tips!
Goosnargh & Longridge Show Horticultural Section - helpful flowers Advice

Cut in the evening before the Show or in the early morning. Remove damaged Flowers, discoloured or broken leaves. Check that the container is well filled with water to prevent wilting during the Show.
When at the Goosnargh & Longridge Horticultural show some useful vegetables Advice

Select even-sized, unblemished specimens. Courgettes should be young, tender fruits of good shape (straight if possible) and colour approximately six inches (150mm) in length and one and a half inches (35mm) in diameter and can be shown with or without their flower. Potatoes should be cleaned with a sponge and look a fresh colour, all the potatoes in the exhibit should be of similar size.
Welcome to the Goosnargh & Longridge Horticultural Section - General Advice

Please do read the Schedule carefully; make sure that you adhere to the dates and times for receipt of entries, closure for judging, removal of exhibits, etc. Allow plenty of time to stage exhibits without undue haste; the last minute rush can often result in some easily avoidable mistake such as putting in more or fewer specimens than the number scheduled, which results in disqualification and disappointment.